Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Clean up.

Chuck has spent many hours, cleaning up the mess that the builders make every day. Some of it has been rewarding....finding all kinds of left overs to keep for future projects...but some is just picking up all the cigarette butts and all of their spilled drink cups, along with their lunch garbage. Since the dry wall has gone up...there is a " rule of the house"....NO ONE SMOKES in the house! So far, I haven't caught anyone. I won't miss seeing all those nasty butts laying in our drive way or yard. Another thing I won't miss is the " smell" of the gross port-a-potty. I hold my breath every time I walk by it. It's better than all the workmen ( and woman) going in the woods around here but I will love the day, they come to haul it away.

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