Saturday, July 3, 2010

Farmers Market

Purple/pink eyed peas....the basket full that we bought....3 lbs.

Albino blackberries

Pretty tomotes!

Lawrence County tomatoes!

I loved the corn stocks attached to his truck.

Little plums that we bought for jelly.

We left here by 7:00 am and went to our local Farmers Market, this morning. There is a farmers federation and you have to belong to it to sell your produce at the market. It all has to
be grown locally. We went after a watermelon but was told its about two weeks too early for local ones but there were plenty of other stuff to pick from. We bought some little plums so I can make plum jelly, and some corn so I can make corn relish. ( I want to eat our corn ...on the cob) The corn was $3 a dozen and his dozen was 14, not 12 but when he was putting it in the bag for us, the grabbed four more ears out of his truck and put them in our bag, so we ended up with 18 ears of corn. We got talking to one guy and he had "white blackberries". He said they were albinos. Never heard or seen such a thing. He also had a big pile of zucchini and asked if we liked zucchini. I told him " yes" and he gave us a bag full....for free. We also bought 3 pounds of purple/pink eyed peas. We came on home and stopped on the way, and got another watermelon from the man that lives just down the road from us. When we got home, I sat on the porch and shelled all the peas. Then, Chuck decided we needed to go to WM and see about taking our window AC back because it stopped working, yesterday. So......on the way to WM we stopped at the Farmers Market again because I needed some green peppers for my corn relish. While we were there this time, they were serving FREE hot dogs, drinks and homemade ice cream. REALLY GOOD! As we were walking through the market, I noticed the lady in the last booth had a couple of plants and one of them was an " angel wing begonia". When I looked at it closer, it was just like the one I had of my Mom's that died in the freezing barn this last winter. I asked the lady how much it was and when she said $3.00....Chuck said right away... " I'll take it!!" It may not be Mom's actual angel wing, but it's a Mom's angel wing and that made my day. We came home and while I was blanching the peas and putting them in the freezer, Chuck took the AC out of the window ( not an easy job) and packed it up and took it back the WM. Got another one and came home and put IT in the window. We will now have AC when Shell and Genavive come. We really don't need it at night but it does get hot during the day.

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