Sunday, July 4, 2010

Billy's Garden...July 4th!

Billy brought Linda over yesterday to see the house, " the girls house" and our garden. She hadn't been over in a few months. Before they left, they told us to come over today and pick some okra since they had tons of it. OMG! they had two tons of it!! I picked half the row on both sides and it filled my big basket and a bag. Most of it is too big to be good though, because it hadn't been picked in a long time. When I got it picked, I enjoyed a glass of " sweet tea" in a jelly glass, on the porch with Linda. It made me being so southern! When I was finished with my tea, Linda had me go pick a box full of purple/pink peas. Then, Billy had me to go pick some tomatoes because they had more than they could eat. Also, picked a huge head of cabbage. My cabbage is all wormy in my garden and the worms got to Billy's too but he put "seven dust" on his and the worms didn't go all the way through the head, so it's nice on the inside. Can't wait to have fried cabbage. We had so much stuff from their garden, we couldn't carry it all so Billy had to bring us home with his four wheeler. It was lunch time so we had BLT...minus the lettuce....I had cucumbers on mine instead. The tomato was one of Billy's. It was wonderful! Nothing like you buy in the store. After lunch, I started in.....first I made 10 jars of plum's sooo pretty! Then, I made 10 jars of corn salsa and I ended up canning two pints of tomatoes since we had a pile from the BNOE garden, ours and Billy's. Oh yeah...forgot....this morning, Chuck and I picked 20 ears of corn out of the garden. I put it up in the freezer. I still have to go through all the okra and pick out the good ones. Billy and Linda are going to Gatlinburg next week for a couple of days and want me to go pick the okra again...which will be fun because Shell and Genavive will be here to help. Will also water their plants for them while they are gone. I had fun in the kitchen all day but kept thinking how, next year I'll have a big beautiful new kitchen to do this all in. :-) We still have a lot of pinto beans to pick, so will put those in the freezer also. I'm trying to hold off picking them, until Shell and Genavive come. I think we will have a watermelon ready next weekend. I've counted at least 15 melons in the patch. ...different kinds and sizes. Awwwwww ice cold watermelon!'s SUMMER!

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