Friday, June 4, 2010

The Garden update

The garden is growing over night. It's so much fun to go down in the mornings and see what has changed. I picked not only our lettuce but spinach, radishes, rattle snake beans, sugar snap peas, banana peppers and our first yellow cherry tomato today. Just about every morning, I pick a hand full of blueberries. ( the blueberries in the pic are ours but not the cantaloupe yet) Soon we will be picking acorn squash, cucumbers, pole beans, broccoli, okra, pinto beans and corn. We will have tons of different kinds of tomatoes. I can't wait for it all to be ready to pick. It will be worth all the days I have spent "weeding". The pumpkins, watermelons and cantaloupe are all blooming. I just love spending my time down there. Esp now that I have a swing to sit in and rest and enjoy the view and the birds all singing. When Chuck can't find me....he knows to look in the garden.

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