Friday, June 18, 2010

Big Girls

The girls are getting big. They will be three months on the first of July. Only a couple more months and they will be old enough to start laying eggs. They sure didn't stay little for long....about two weeks...ha. My " raising chickens for dummies" book said that chickens are smarter than people think. You can teach them to count and to know their colors. I don't plan on taking my chickens and joining the circus so I don't think I'll take the time to teach them to count or anything . They do like me to talk to them though. They are so cute. They cock their heads to one side like they are really listening and know what I'm are saying. I can hold " Sepsey" with out her wiggling and wanting down but the others wiggle too much. I keep telling them that they better get used to me reaching in and getting their eggs while they are on their nest. Guess we'll see how that goes in a couple of months. Right now, Chuck is working on their fenced in yard. Next project.....nesting boxes.

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