Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Hen Pen

This is what Chuck has been working on for the past week. The Hen Pen House. It's going to be so cute. I'm going to paint it yellow with white trim and a white door. Chuck's going to put shutters on each side of the windows and I'm going to paint them green to match the green shingles that he's going to put on the roof. ....and yep....they are going to have window boxes with flowers in them...lol. I would put curtains in their windows but they would just get covered with chicken poop. They are the messiest little birds I've ever seen. Chuck is going to fence in a side yard for them to go out and scratch, catch bugs and do what ever chickens like to do. Inside their little house, they will have nesting boxes and roosting poles. We are hoping to get them all moved in by this coming weekend. After being cooped up in cages, they won't know how to act with so much room. We have another four months before they start laying eggs. Won't that be an exciting day...when the first egg is laid!

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