Sunday, April 11, 2010

My little peeps

Since they didn't have any baby chicks for sale at the Ala Chicken and Egg festival (ya think they would have huh?) we stopped at Tractor Supply and I picked out six little cuties to bring home with us. It sure was a hard choice since there were over a 100 in the one tub. You don't know what you are getting when ya don't know anything about chickens. I picked two yellow ones, thinking that they will be white and the other four are yellow and brown, thinking they might be reds. I guess we will see in a few weeks. Chuck went around the store with the cart while I was picking the babies and loaded up on what ya need to raise baby lot of stuff! We got them home and all settled in their new home. Chuck laughed at me and said that I was a mother hen and all her chicks. In a few weeks, Chuck will have to build the chicken coop because we have been told, chickens grow really fast. We are suppose to be gathering eggs in about five months. Lets see.........six eggs a day........that's a lot of eggs to eat so I guess we will be sharing with the neighbors and everyone else we know. This is going to be so much fun....except the part of cleaning out the poop in the coop!

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