Thursday, April 15, 2010

A day in the garden

I started my day on the computer . Chuck figured out that if we turn the computer with the air stick towards the window it works 10 times better. It's a bit hard to type sideways Annie didn't think it was hard at all. After doing the last load of laundry, tending to my " peeps" and watering all the plants around the TT, I headed to the garden. I was determined to finish planting the main veggie garden and my cut flower garden. I did it!!!!! The only thing left to plant is the pumpkin patch and I will tackle that tomorrow. After my planting, I decided to mow the whole garden area. That's a LOT of mowing! About half way through it, I decided that I just might ask for a "riding lawn mower" for my birthday. Now I know why Charlotte has one. Oh! I'm sitting here with the window open and there is a firefly on the screen. It's so funny to see it light up. I didn't think they showed up until summer but they have been around for about a week now. It's so fun to sit on the porch at night and see them all light up in the woods. .....ok...back to today.......Chuck moved about half of the big pile of rock/gravel. He went into town after lunch to mail our taxes. When I asked if the post office was crowded since it was " tax day" he said ..."yes....three people were in there". ha.! I love living in a small town. When he got back, he had a small bouquet of wild flowers that he had stopped along the side of the road to pick, for me. Reason number 22 why I love living in Alabama. Chuck is always bringing me wild flowers. Well, I'm pooped from all the work I did today but it's a " good poop". I'm sure I will sleep well tonight. I have been lately. I don't know if it's because I'm really tired by the time I go to bed or it's just all the clean air ......oops can't be that because the air is full of pollen right now. That will pass soon and then we can wash all the green off of everything. Another fun, beautiful day in Alabama!

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