Tuesday, March 2, 2010


It's time to "till" up here. Everyone is getting ready to set out their gardens. We plan on having one large veggie garden, a pumpkin patch, a watermelon patch, a rose garden and a cut flower garden. I have a LOT of tilling to do. I got most of it done, yesterday. First, Chuck went over the areas with the tractor with the box teeth,to mark where I should till. Then, I got tilling! It's not an easy job but it was a bit easier since the clay had been wet from all of the rain. Actually, I had to wait until it dried out for almost a week. I knew I only had yesterday to get most of it done, because the forecast was " a dusting of snow" and then rain, starting at midnight last night. Tilling is rough on your arms and if you happen to hit a root from a tree....man!...the tiller feels like it's gonna jerk your arms off. As soon as I finished tilling, at least 20 robins were in the areas, eating something. I don't think it was worms....I think it was bugs. Good! I hope they eat as many as they can before we plant the garden. When I was done tilling, I walked down to the barn and found a trellis that I had bought years ago and had put it away for when we moved up here. I brought it back down to the garden area and started putting it together. I finished just before dark. Now, my rose garden is ready to be planted. I have two climbing roses and six regular rose bushes, in the green house, just waiting to be planted, once " Spring" comes. I've also started several seeds in hoping we will have little plants soon, for a head start on our garden. Another three weeks or so and everyone will be busy planting away, up here. What a fun summer we are going to have.

1 comment:

Teresa said...

you should take a picture in this exact spot in a couple months and see the difference. I bet it will be full of beautiful flowers and plants...knowing you and your green thumb :-)