Monday, March 15, 2010

Starting the Garden

Before the last round of rain, we started planting the garden with some of the cooler weather plants. Chuck went over the area with the tiller again and I started raking. It's hard to rake the grass and weeds out of red clay. As fast as I could rake, the robins were behind me eating bugs and worms from the fresh tilled dirt/clay. I got a kick out of them and started singing .. " when the red, red robin comes bop,bop, bopping along" Just as I finished planting my onion sets and my garlic, Charlotte and the boys came through the woods to the garden with a big bucket of " giant garlic bulbs" that she had pulled up from her garden, for me to plant in mine. She says they are big like onions and aren't as strong as garlic. They produce a big bloom in the summer, that you can pick and dry for arrangements. I also planted some cabbage seeds.....sure hope they come up. When, I was done, for the day, I put my " get growing sign" in the end of the garden. As Marina used to say....... " grow, damn it"! Oh! yeah! Chuck planted our big blueberry plant that day also. We have two smaller ones in the green house but will wait until it's a lot warmer to plant those.

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