Monday, March 15, 2010

Four hours later....

The other day, after lunch we decided to walk down to the mail box to check on the mail. We kinda got side tracked. It's easy to do on 22 acres of land. We walked through the garden and then on the way back, we went off the trail and ended up over in the BNOE woods. Then, we decided to walk down to the back fence line in the back five acres. I hadn't been back there since we moved here. We saw our neighbor's ( librarian/neighbor/friend) house and even saw her horse that we didn't even know she had until about a month ago. On the way back to the barn, we found this rusted enamel pan that must have been in the woods for about 100 years.! Notice how " blue the sky" is in the pictures. The song is right!....."Alabama where skys are so blue!" Once we got to the barn, we both got involved in some projects. Chuck made us a boot rack for the porch and I played in my "sewing corner". Four hours later from " just going to the mail box" we were back at the TT. That is how our days go up here most of the time. Time flies!

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