Thursday, December 3, 2009

Talking to strangers

We were past due to go to the laundry mat this week. We usually go on the weekend but didn't get there until Tues. As I was loading up the washing machines with everything in my bedroom.....curtains, bedspread,(because it's so damp in the TT, there is meldew all over everything) sheets and dirty clothes, little lady hollers at me and says.." You sure do miss a washing machine at home when you don't have one huh?". I said...." you sure do, we just moved up here from Florida and won't have one for awhile. She asked me where in Florida and when I told her St. Pete....she said " how old are you? " When I told her, she said, nope you are too young. Then she preceded to tell me she was born and raised in St. Pete. ...until she was 12. Then it all started. She talked and talked and talked, about God, her church, how she used to weigh over 400 pounds and she weighs under 200 now, and how she hates Drs, about how smart her grand kids are. They graduated from high school at the age of 12 and college at 16 and is now going to go to med school, she bought this motel sight unseen when they moved up here and they live at it and use it for a shelter for people who lose their homes in storms. How he husband was a truck driver. She went on and on and on....she never shut up the whole 1 1/2 hours we were there. While we were folding our clothes a man walks in and starts his laundry and she starts all over again talking to him. I kept getting tickled and had to walk to the other end of the laundry mat or outside. I told Chuck that we are going to make sure we go to the laundry mat on Sunday since everyone will be in church. Every one that knows Chuck knows that he doesn't talk to anyone...including me half the time. I am always telling him that it won't hurt him to talk to Well, when we got in the explorer to leave, he said.... " that will teach ya to talk to strangers" ...LOL.


InsLady said...

Too Funny!!! Our washing machine was out earlier this year for about a week and let me tell you.... the laundramat was definitely an experience I will never forget:)

Debbie Roberts said...

Oh, man! I am sitting here laughing with tears running down my face because I can just see Chuck as he says,"That'll teach ya!". That is so funny! Stay warm, girl....Deb