Thursday, September 17, 2009

wet barn........

We had another mishap on this trip to the land. Since the grass was so high around the barn, when Chuck bush hogged, it collected heavy on the ground and the next morning, when it rained 3 inches, the cut grass dammed up the normal flow of the water away from the barn. When the rain let up for a little while, we decided to walk down to the barn to get out of the TT. Well, when Chuck opened the door, my heart just sunk! Most of our stuff was standing in water. We had put 2 x 4 wood on the floor and stacked most of our cardboard boxes on those, thinking it would keep them off of the cement floor. Not thinking, that wood soaks up water so the first layer of boxes got wet. I instantly started unpacking boxes and moving furniture out of the water. I swept the water out the doors of the barn with the push broom. Chuck went outside and started raking the cut grass away from the barn. ( with his bandaged, cut hand) With using the tractor and bush hog also, the water started flowing again. A few boxes of our books got ruined ( including our year books ) but I think most of the other stuff will be ok. We might lose three cabinets (made out of pressed board) but time will tell with those. I have all our holiday stuff in plastic tubs so I took all of those and made the first layer on the 2 x 4's with those and then stacked the card board boxes on top of those. Another problem we came across was "MICE". Yes, they have been in the barn! They left little droppings all over my nice chase. When I picked up the cushion on it, they even had started to build a nest. Another mistake we made was leaving birdseed in the barn. Will never do that again! So, I cleaned up my chase and we put it in the explorer and took it to the TT. Went to the store and bought lots more "decon". Hopefully I won't find a dead mouse in the middle of my chase like I did my bed this time. I talked to our BNOE last night and she said it had been raining a lot in the past three days so she is going over and check on things in the barn for us. Hopefully, everything will be nice and dry. She is also going to check on my little winter garden. Only a couple more months and it will be time to go up ourselves. Counting the days!

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