Wednesday, April 29, 2009


The day before we left the land to go down and spend the weekend with Gene and George, we heard that there was going to be a good chance of it snowing 4 to 5 inches on the land, Sunday. You don't know how badly I wanted to stay and see the snow. We packed up the explorer and headed to Gene and George's any ways. Little to our surprise, when we woke up Sunday morning, it was snowing there. It had started around 4:00 am. At one point in time, it was coming down so hard, you couldn't see across the back field. I kept running out to take pictures of it. It snowed the whole day and the four of us, kept going from window to window, watching it. Chuck and I took George's four wheel drive truck down to the bottom to see how much of it was covered in white. The ground was warm so it didn't stick very long but it sure was pretty to see coming down. The BNOE sent pictures of it at the land. They ended up getting around 4 inches. Some day, Chuck and I WILL be on the land when it really snows!!

1 comment:

InsLady said...

Hopefully by next winter, you will be able to take pictures off your own front porch on the land...