Saturday, October 18, 2008

Construction Road

As you turn off the road on to the land, you are on the straight drive way that Chuck cut the first time with the hand bush hog. It will take you all the way back to the barn. (about 1/4 mile) There is another very curvy drive way several feet before you get to the barn and it will take you to the house site and the TT. I keep telling Chuck we will have a hard time using this drive once we are 80 and drive like "old farts" (believe me, I know how they drive, living here in Florida. lol) It is such a pretty drive....all canopied, with solid woods on both sides. When it comes time to build the house, all the construction trucks will not be able to get down this drive way so Chuck started in, clearing another straight drive way from the barn to the house site. It's about 300 feet long. A lot of trees to cut down! I love the sound of the chain saw buzzing away. It's when it stops, I get worried and go check on Chuck. (he is very accident prone....and I'm not kidding.....he always has blood on him somewhere when he's working on the land) So, now we have three roads on the land. " Barn Blvd", "Brambly Lane" and " Construction Rd". It's so much fun owning all this land and being able to name your own roads... :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember when Don and I bought our 15 acres outside of Gainesville and cut trees, etc., to make way for our house. The entrance road (a rutted sand trail maybe 1/4 mile with low canopy) was not navigable by most of the trucks coming: the one that brought the trusses, the other that brought the greenhouse/patio (a semi; sure....). We had to disassemble stuff and bring it in via El Camino. Hard but fun. Marina