Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Tacky Trailer/ Chicken Coop

When we first bought the land and would go up for a few days, we would work all day on the land and stay in a motel in town. Then, one day while home in Florida, I was messing around on the internet with one of my sewing digests and there was an email from someone answering a question someone had asked and she signed the email.....Debbie in Alabama. Of course anything to do with Alabama, my ears, eyes and fingers perk up and I wrote to this person. Come to find out, she was in a town only 30 minutes from our land. We had so much in common..with our kids, interests and we discovered we even had twin cats. The next time Chuck and I went to the land, Debbie came out to the land to meet us. We became the best of friends and since that date, Debbie and Ken invited us to stay with them every time we came to the land. What fun we had!. Then it ended. Ken got transferred to Texas for work. Our friendship didn't end...just the fun in Alabama together did. Debbie and I still email each other almost every day. So, Chuck and I went to camping in tents on the land when we went up.
We talked about living in the barn (when we got it built) while we have the new house built but decided that it would be too hard to live without heat in the winter. It gets darn right COLD up there. So, the idea of buying an old tacky trailer was born. Three summers ago, we were driving to Walmart and passed a used trailer dealer. JR was his name. I hollered for Chuck to pull over so we could look at the tacky trailers. Sure enough...there it was!!!! Bought new in 1963 and owned by a little ole lady. It was "awful" inside but I looked past the "awful" and thought of what fun I could have painting and decorating it. The price was on the window...." $3,999...delivered and set up!!! What a deal!!! Jr said he could deliver it the next day. Off we clear trees where the TT would be set up. There was no way they were going to bring this TT down our windy drive way so we asked if we could bring it down our neighbors drive way, turn it and go in front of their barn and then turn again down the path we use to walk to each other's land. That meant we had to make the path wider also. We got it all done just as they were driving into the best neighbors on earth, drive way. Even though we had to sleep ( in our sleeping bags) on the nasty, cat puked on PINK carpet in the was better than sleeping in the scary tents, in the rain. The next trip up I started in on the "redoing of the Tacky Trailer" and how it became the "Chicken Coop". be continued.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what a treasure to read about the unfolding of your dream!