Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Naming our land

When we first bought the land in Alabama, it was so grown up with wild blackberries, we couldn't even walk on the front 17 acres. We could only walk the back five acres through the hard woods. Chuck rented a hand bush hog to cut through the brambles to make a drive way from the front to the back of the land. It used to be a soy bean farm years ago and has very fertile soil. Nine years ago there were lots of little pine and cedar trees covering most of the land. Now, it's a forest! The locals refer to us as "living in the pines". Hence the name...."Brambly Pines". Now that we have our very own tractor, it's much easier to keep the paths cut through the pines and blackberries. Our last trip to the land, Chuck staked out where the house will be built. Clearing of those trees will be next.

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