Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Bush Hog

Hey, ya'll.....I've been going through some of my pictures to see if there are any I could post on the blog so you would get more of the feel why we want to move to the land. Besides, living in the middle of the forest and having all the wild blackberries ya can eat, living with four seasons instead of two, (if you can say we have two here in Florida), being in the country is the best!!!!! Meet "Bush Hog" the goat! He belongs to the neighbors, south of us. I fell in love with him the instant I saw him. The neighbors acquired Bush Hog a couple of years ago when who ever raised him had to get rid of him. He was raised like a dog and was taken for car rides when he was little and he loves to "play" with you.... BUT....and "butt" is the word for it. He will " BUTT" the hell out of ya. He thinks he is playing but it's no playing matter. Chuck and I have both learned that one. Once he got untied while the neighbors were gone so we thought we would take care of Bush Hog. Well, we were the ones that got taken care Since then, we have learned how to control a goat. You have to grab him by both horns and lead him that way. I like to walk over to the neighbors with our left over bread or hot dog buns to feed Bush Hog. He " naaaaa's" when he sees me coming. I laugh every time I see the "Aflac commercial" with the goat now. I can't wait to have a goat of my own when we move. I want a "nanny" goat and her name will be "Olivia Jane". I am hoping that I can teach her not to "butt" me since I will get her when she is little. Goats hate water so you can train them with a squirt's hoping it works. I have all kinds of dreams for living in the forest. I'll let ya in on more of them later.


  1. O Bush Hog :-) Gotta love a goat. Gotta have one when you guys move it's a MUST living in the south!!! Can't wait to get you here.
