Friday, June 17, 2016

Corner Flower Bed....

The front corner flower bed had become a big mess with honeysuckle, poison ivy and weeds.  I kept putting off working out there until one day a couple of weeks ago, I was at Home Depot and they had their mulch on sale.  I had the guy load up the back of the Pilot with 10 bags!  Yes, I was thinking.....oh no!!!  another fiasco of getting all this mulch out of the Pilot when I get home.  Luckily that evening, the BNOE (Charlotte ) came over that evening to pick up some veggies from our garden, and she offered to unload the mulch for me.  It took me a couple of days to get all the weeds and vines out of the bed and the mulch down, but what a difference it made.  It's actually pretty to  look at now.

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