Wednesday, May 13, 2015

First Strawberry Festival

Local strawberries

Kids art show....what fun pictures!
great art from the kids

the festival was all around  Moulton's court house

bands playing music

canning chairs
Wild South display

Chuck working in the forest pic

Moulton had it's first Strawberry Festival this Spring.  Of course we had to go check it out.  It actually was very nice and a big turn out of different booths and buckets of strawberries to buy.  We went to the Strawberry Festival in Cullman a couple of years ago and there wasn't a single strawberry to buy.  How funny is that!!!  There were tons of kids there, on a field trip from school we were thinking.  They all had on matching Tee shirts.  I really enjoyed seeing the display of art work from the kids.  All in all, I think Moulton did a great job for their first Strawberry Festival.  I hope it becomes an annual event.

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