Friday, February 13, 2015

Teeny Tiny Vivi

Happy Birthday Miss Vivienne Pieper Eck!

Passing the long, long hours of labor

Grand Daddy and Daddy playing the waiting game.

6 lbs 10 1/2 oz......19 1/2 inches long 

Just minutes old.....

Mama, Daddy and Vivi

All cleaned up and her first bow of many to come, in her hair.

She's FINALLY here!!!  Teeny Tiny Vivienne Pieper Eck.  Our third grand daughter.
   Chuck and I left the house at 5:30 am on Feb 12 and headed to Nashville.  Michelle was checking into the hospital at 7:00 am to have Vivienne.  After all the dead stand still traffic outside of Nashville Friday morning, we finally arrived around 8:15 am.  With Michelle all settled in her room, the waiting game began.  The Dr induced Michelle and the pains came mild but quickly.  Over the hours the pains became more intense as we all sat around in conversation and me with my hand embroidery work in my hands.  Hour after hour went by.  It seemed like everything was sorta at a stand still so the Dr and Michelle decided it was time to "break the water" to see if it would get things on the road again.  It did help and after around three hours of intense pains, it was time for the epidural.  At least it gave Michelle some rest from the pain.  We just knew the baby would be born that night on her due date.  We guessed wrong!!  As the night progressed, it was time for Michelle to start pushing...and she pushed and pushed and pushed some more.  Little Miss Vivi had her head in the wrong position to get out.  The Nurse would move her head to the right place but "little Miss Stubborn" would put it right back where it was.   The last resort was for the Dr to use " the vacuum".  A device that attached to the baby's head with wires and a handle on it.  Something they use instead of the dreaded " forceps" they used to use.  It took four tries and a lot of pulling on the Dr's part along with 7 different nurses in the room with us and the most forceful pushing on Michelle's part, but FINALLY out came Little Miss Vivienne at 6:35 am on Friday the 13th....almost 24 hours later  ....with the loudest cry ever for such a tiny thing.  She was handed to the two " baby nurses" to get cleaned up a bit and get weighed.  Of course the picture taking began.  Everyone is sooooo glad that it's over with and that we have Little Vivi here to join our family.  She is one lucky little girl as we are one lucky family!!

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