Monday, February 2, 2015

Happy Ground Hog Day!

So Mr. Punxsutawney Phil predicted six more weeks of Winter.  That is fine with me.  Just means more time to stay inside ( unless it snows) and work on projects that you don't have time for once Spring comes and you are outside, planting the garden, mowing the yard and planting summer flowers.  We haven't had any snow to speak of yet this Winter.  Had flurries for about five minutes this morning.  Sure was pretty when it was coming down.  Ya didn't dare blink or you would miss it.  Not that I want to have feet and feet of snow like my longest friendship friend, Kathy has in Maine but it would be fun to have about 8 inches again like we had a couple of years ago.  It just can't happen until our little Miss Vivienne is born.  We've GOT to be able to get to Nashville at a moments notice.

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