Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Alabama Smores

Lily Ryann eating the best smore she has
ever had!

We had melted snowmen on our smores

Alabama smores consists of marshmallows, peanut butter cups and graham crackers.  You put the peanut butter cups around the edge of the fire so they will melt while you are roasting your marshmallow.  You put the melted peanut butter cup on the graham cracker then your marshmallow and another graham cracker.  TA DA!!  The best smore you will ever eat in your life!!!  Everyone had a great time around the fire pit, making their first time Alabama smores.  ( all but Michelle...she has had them for 5 years now)  They were invented over at one of  the BNOE annual camp outs.  Haven't made regular smores since.

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