Monday, November 10, 2014

Alabama Baby Shower

Pretty Invitations
 Beautiful  flowers always makes a
tea party fun. 

Special Coffee Cups for Breakfast
So True!!!!

Presents! presents! presents!
Pretty, girly  decorations.  

Crowning the new Ya Ya Mama

Wonderful! Fun! tea party with our Alabama Family!

Best Friends before they were born.

Michelle and her Alabama Mama Gene

A great present for sure!
A much needed present....

Michelle said....
" I have to do WHAT to get this thing out?"
Grand daughter # 3!

The 25 yr in the making... quilt

The center of the quilt that " Great  Grandma"
(my mom) made...25 yrs ago

Two very close little girls.......all grown up.
Michelle was honored at an Alabama Baby Shower down in Cecil. It was hosted by Gene, Becca and Melanie.  It was held at Gene and George's hunting lodge.( it used to be Gene's parents house)  What a wonderful place for it.  There were bedrooms for everyone to spend the night.  The kitchen, living room and dining rooms are all open so there was plenty of space for such a party. The lodge was decorated with such pretty little girl decorations and there were presents galore! Beautiful little girl clothes....a towels, baby spoons, a sterilizer, pretty blankets, decorations for the nursery, diapers, hand knitted hat, oh...I can't even remember them all.  There were presents dropped off at our house from people who weren't even going to the shower.
    Around 25 years ago, I started a quilt made from some of the fabric that I had made Michelle's baby/little girl clothes out of.  My Mom and I were going to make a whole quilt from the fabrics.  I was sewing the pieces together on the machine and she was sewing them by hand onto the blocks.  Only four blocks got completed before Mom got sick and died.  I took those four blocks and hid them for 25 years from everyone.  Chuck didn't even know I had them.  I knew in my mind that some day it was going to be up to me to surprise Michelle and finish the quilt.  When we found out that we were going to have Vivienne in our lives, it was time to pull the blocks out and turn them into a quilt.  As I was working on the quilt  it gave me a warm feeling inside, as I looked at the blocks that Mom had worked on.  I just wish she could have seen how the quilt turned out. She would have loved it since she was a quilter, herself.  Yes, Michelle was surprised and cried.  So did I when I was explaining the quilt to her. It took a couple of minutes for it all to sink in for Michelle but then,  Becca and her started naming the clothes from the fabric pieces.  At that moment, it really made the quilt special to me because it was fun watching the two girls, remembering growing up together.     I was so happy to be able to give Michelle something so special that she will pass on to Vivienne's children.  ...from Great Grandma and Grandma.
.    The tea party had two different teas and so many pretty sweets and tea sandwiches to fill your plate with. It was so much fun.
       Melanie, Gene and George made dinner for the whole gang, Saturday night.  It was a wonderful tasty treat of Boston Butt and tons of yummy roasted veggies.  Of course the " Auburn" football game was on the TV afterwards and we all sat around in our PJ's having the best time.
   Chuck and I hosted the Sunday morning breakfast of bacon, french toast, fresh fruit, coffee and juice.  Kellet made the best blueberry tart that we all had ever eaten!
  We want to thank everyone for such a great time that have turned into memories already.  We know our little "Vivienne Pieper" will be loved by so many people as we are.  Our Alabama family is " the BEST!"

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