Monday, July 7, 2014

Plum/Cherry Jelly...Oh My!

Another batch of jelly!  This time it's Plum/Cherry.  While we were in Birmingham last weekend, Melanie's sweet neighbor asked if anyone wanted some plums from her tree.  Of course I said " yes"!  I've been wanting to make plum jelly for a couple of years now.   So, one day last week, I set in to make plum jelly.  Only to find out, after cooking down the plums for the juice, I didn't have enough.  As my brain was searching what to do, I remembered I had a jar of tart cherries in the pantry.  Ta Da!!  enough juice for one batch of jelly!  Plums and cherries go really well together.  It ended up being my favorite of all the jams and jellies that I have made this summer.  Well, the blackberry jelly is pretty high on the list too.

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