Monday, June 2, 2014

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Chuck and the zucchini 


Checking for egg plants ...there are some in there!

Zucchini blossoms

Snow Peas

The garden is growing leaps and bounds. over night!!!  I swear every day I go down there, the vines are a foot longer and the leaves twice the size.  We have "baby" everything so it won't be long before we're picking it every day.  We already have enough mature snow peas to cook for dinner one night this week.  I planted some pumpkin seeds yesterday.  We'll see if we actually have pumpkins this time.  We've had them in the past but they either rotted or the animals decided to eat them.  This is the first time I've planted them inside the garden fence....we'll see.  This is the first time I've planted celery.  If you cut the ends of the stalks off of the celery that you buy in the store and put them in water, they will actually start growing out the tops and get roots on the bottoms.  When I thought they had enough roots on them, I planted them in the ground.  It seems to be working.  I'll let ya know on that one too.  This years garden has been fun...( except for having to pull all of the llama poop grass out of it).  We've had enough rain to keep things watered.  Just hoping it won't end up being too much rain and spoil things.  Any ways.....Mary doesn't have anything on garden is growing wonderfully!!!!

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