Friday, April 18, 2014

Guess What.....

There are three baby bunnies in there

Guess what George kitty has found now.....a rabbit's nest with three babies in it, and guess where it the daffodil bed along one of the retaining walls.  I know!!!  Why would a mama rabbit make her nest there?  I let George outside this morning like I always do and a few minutes later, Chuck was looking out one of the living room windows and saw George jump up onto one of the retaining walls.  About five minutes later, here comes George with something in his mouth, high tailing it to the front porch.  Chuck went out onto the porch and George dropped what was in his mouth.  It was a tiny baby bunny.  It had fur but it still had it's eyes closed.  So, as I held the bunny, Chuck went over to the retaining wall where George was and sure enough.  There was the nest in the pine needles, lined with the mama's fur, with two more babies in it.  The baby that George had, didn't seem hurt so I put it back in the nest.  Then, I locked George in the basement until we could figure out what we were going to do about this situation.  Last time George brought us the two bunnies, I had read where the mother only nurses them at night.  So, I came up with the idea of us putting a crate over the nest and putting something heavy on it so George couldn't get to them again.  When we put George in the basement for the night, we will uncover the nest and in the morning as George goes out, we'll cover the nest.  Meantime, we will keep an eye out for the Mama rabbit to see if she shows up during the day.  We don't think she will.  Not until around dusk.  That's when they come into our yard to eat.  Then and early mornings.   We read that they should leave the nest when they are around four weeks old.  I told Chuck this morning that we will get these babies raised and to have the hawk that has been hanging out close to the house or our two owls that have lived in our woods for years now, to get them when they leave the nest.  We have the "circle of life" a lot here, living in the middle of the woods.  It's sad sometimes but it's something that I'm learning to live with.  We're just wondering what George will be bringing to the front porch next.  If it moves or makes a noise....he will find it.  I'm beginning to think I should have named George...."Hunter" instead of George.  ....or how about this for his name.....George Lee Hunter Peterson.  That's the ticket.  That's his official name now but you can just call him George.

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