Wednesday, March 19, 2014


One of the forsythia bushes that the  BNOE gave us when we first moved into the house.  

     Today is brought to you by the color "YELLOW"!!  It really is Spring.  The daffodils are blooming every where you go and the forsythia is in all it's glory.  Bright, cheery yellow after a very long cold winter. I actually picked a big hand full of daffodils and mailed them off to Christina in Florida so she could share in our wonderful Spring.  She said they had arrived like I had just picked them.  It was fun to think that one day they were in my yard and two days later, they were on her dining room table.
       As the days go by, more and more wonderful colors will appear.  SPRING!  It has to be the best time of the year!!!!

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