Sunday, February 9, 2014

Another Dusting

Woke up to another " dusting" the other day.....sigh!  They ( the weather people) are saying we have a chance of " snow" again this coming week.  Then again, they say it " could" go around us and head to Birmingham AGAIN!!  I'm beginning to think we moved to far " north".  Will keep my fingers crossed and my hopes high.  I think Mother Nature likes teasing me.

1 comment:

asouthernsunset said...

I have so enjoyed your blog, especially being that I am a north Alabama lady, too. (and a 'sometimes' blogger) I had actually googled Glenda Yarbough, an author, and lo and behold, it led me to your blog. Happy bloggng, and I shall add you to my blog list and visit often.
