Monday, July 8, 2013

Atlanta Shopping

Downtown Atlanta!!!

Esclator for carts!!

"Sweet Home Alabama" 
I still laugh when I think about being able to just jump in the Explorer and drive to a different state in just the matter of an hour or so.  It's like being in Europe and driving to a different country for the day.  It's really fun living where we can do this.
    We were only about 15 minutes from IKEA when we dropped Genavive off.  It was lunch time!  Of course Chuck and Michelle got " Swedish meatballs" but since I stopped eating red meat a few months back, I got the chicken fingers.  ( just a warning...don't get them at IKEA....two words..." Fake Chicken".  After lunch, it was time to shop!!...and shop we did!!  I kept thinking about Auntie Barbara's famous words..." If you like it, you better buy it because it won't be there when you go back to get it".  Well, not so much that it won't be there but who in the heck would know when we would be going to Atlanta again.  I loaded up the cart.  Well, when you buy a rug, a black/white poke a dot rug for my new studio and four feather pillows, the cart fills up fast.  I got lots of pretty lacy trays and buckets for my bathroom, four little salad bowls that match the big salad bowl that I got there, the last time we drove to Atlanta, just to go to IKEA.  I also got two more of the plastic holders for my extra wrapping papers. Oh! the bargain of the day was fabric!  I didn't even know they had fabric.  Great fabric at great prices.  They had oil cloth that is $19 a yard at Hobby Lobby and every place else.  At IKEA, it's $7.99 a yard.  They even had black/white poke a dots!!! Yep, I got two yards.  It was time to check out and head for home.  We even had fun taking the carts down the cart escalator.  We had one more short stop before heading home.  Trader Joe's!  Michelle wanted some of their wine and I wanted some of their "21 salute" spice.  We were in and out within just minutes and headed to "Sweet Home Alabama".  Not a week that I had planned but some times those are the best in life.

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