Thursday, April 18, 2013

First Time Wisteria

A couple of years ago, Chuck built a pergola to hang the metal swing on, down at the garden.  We planted two small wisteria plants on each side of it.  Well, it sure didn't take long for it to grow and provide shade for the swing.  The wait for the pretty blooms wasn't long either.  There are different kinds of wisterias.  Some take 10 to 20 years to bloom.  I know!!!  The BNOE has some covering their walk way to their back door and it's been there for over 12 years and it still hasn't bloomed.  I guess we were lucky.  This is the first Spring that ours has bloomed.  We were both excited to see the pretty lavender, hangy downy, smell good flowers, hanging over the swing.  Now, to only hope that the wisteria that I planted last Spring to grow over the pergola on the deck, will bloom in the next couple of years also.

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