Monday, February 18, 2013

Been Quilting!

Brown quilt block exchange

My square I made 22 of.....

I SPY quilt

Matching pillow case 
Believe it or not, I've been working on my quilts.  I figured since I'm the Vice President of the Quilt Guild this year, I had better be making some quilts to take for "show n tell".  I had made the " I SPY" quilt top before we moved from Florida.  It got kinda stuck away in the closet with about five more quilt tops in there.  I decided I'd better pull it out and quilt it.  In the middle of it all, my machine broke so it took another two weeks before I could finish it.
  Last year the quilt guild decided that we would each pick one block pattern and make 22 of them to share with each other.  We picked the color brown and all bought that same brown fabric.  You could put any other color in your square that you wanted.  It just had to have that brown fabric in it also.  In July we traded quilt blocks and started putting our quilts together.  Well, everyone else did.  I wanted to wait and see how everyone else was doing theirs.  It gave me the idea of putting the blocks on point.  That meant I had to have 12 extra blocks to fill in with.  I had bought this beautiful bird fabric while we were in Huntsville and that gave me the subject to my quilt since I used it for the border.  I hand appliqued birds in the middle of the 12 extra blocks.  All in all, it turned out really nice.  I'm very pleased with it.  Now, all I have to do is buy the batting, backing, binding and take it to be quilted on a long arm machine.  Maybe some day I will be showing the whole quilt....done! You would be surprised on how different every one's quilts turned out.  Even with using all the same blocks.  It was so much fun last year, we're going to do it again.  Only we're going to use red/white/blue for our colors.  Only the white has to be the same fabric.  I can't wait to work on this one.  

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