Sunday, January 13, 2013

Mansion remodeled

Everything fits on the back wall 
The new nesting boxes
Guess the girls like the new boxes
This second flock of girls, didn't like roosting on the roost in the mansion for some reason.  They would rather sleep on top of the nesting boxes.  Well, that became a problem because it would get piled up guessed it...poop!!  The nesting boxes took up the whole back wall because there were four of them.  The girls only used two of the boxes.  The same two all the time.  So, Chuck made a new set of two boxes.  He also slanted the top of them so the girls couldn't stand or sit or lay on the top.  That solved the pooping problem.  It forced them to roost on the roosting stand and it worked.  That's where they sleep now.  It also solved the problem of them pooping on the window sills because they can't reach the windows .  I guess they like the new nesting boxes because when I went down there this morning, there were five eggs in the first box.  Just maybe their mansion will stay a little cleaner now.  I know, I'm dreaming.

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