Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Happy Birthday BNOE

Birthday cup cakes

Felted Pin cushion

We had "birthday company" this last Saturday night.  Charlotte, her Mom, Carol, her nephew Alex, Owen and Ben came to dinner for Charlotte's birthday.  We served spaghetti, salad, fresh baked bread and birthday cup cakes, with 7 minute frosting.  I think Charlotte got the birthday's mixed up though cause she brought me a beautiful hand felted pumpkin pin cushion that she made.  She said it was a " Fall present".  I love it!!  She's getting really, really good at her felting art.  Her birthday present was  to go down to the barn and design one of my glass bird feeders.  I have all the pieces for it, just have to get it all glued together and take it over to her.  Speaking of Fall...this coming weekend we are getting our first Fall cold front come through.  The lows at night are suppose to be in the low 50's and the highs only in the 70's.  It will soon be time to change our my closet.  It will be fun seeing all my fun winter clothes again.  Ahhhhhh! to live where there are four seasons :-)

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