Monday, July 23, 2012

"It's My Birthday!"

Banner Shell made me

Birthday cupcakes that Melanie and I split

Opening package from Ryan,Nic and the girls.

Best Present EVER!

Bed Jacket

Sun dress

I couldn't believe that it was time for my Birthday again.  Where do the years go?  It seems just last year that I had changed my birthday to August because of the sad two years of the deaths of my brother and my best friend, Marina.  I miss them both and think of them on my birthday but I'm back to celebrating my real birthday again.  Last year, Christina came up to be with me while Chuck was in Florida.  This year, Lady Melanie came up from Birmingham to spend the weekend with us.  She made my day special.  I am so happy to have such good friends and to receive lots of Birthday wishes, presents and cards.  When Shell and Genavive came up, Shell gave me her present.  It was a blue, chicken egg plate.  I love it!!I should be filling it with eggs soon.  I know, I keep saying that but the new girls just have to start laying any minute now.  In the mail last week, came a really cute flower purse from Kathy in Maine.  Also a package from Ryan, Nicole and the girls.  I waited until my birthday to open it.  What fun that one was...a new hummingbird feeder and four little garden animals from each of the girls.  A few days ago, I had a "mystery gift" come in the mail.  It was a little ceramic sewing machine box.  It was sent from the company that makes them, with no name of who it was from.  I thought for sure it was from one of my sewing friends, but when I asked them, it wasn't any of them.  In a card and letter from Kathy in Florida ( who I went to school with) said that I would be receiving a gift from this company, soon.  The mystery solved.  Melanie gave me a whole box of treasures and some of them were my favorite.  A pretty sundress, a beautiful skirt and the most elegant, old fashion bed jacket.   The best present ever was a set of pearls that I had seen in Sam's last month when we were there.  I couldn't get them off my mind for a month.  When I saw them this time, I asked the lady if I could try them on.  That did it!  I just HAD to have them!  Since Chuck and I are both "old" now and get social security, I bought the pearls.  I have been celebrating this birthday for a couple of months now.  Christina and George had bought me a beautiful candle while I was in Florida and my friend Debbie had given me a lovely tea pot and had it special delivered by my friend here in Alabama who had been in St. Pete in May.  I am so lucky to have all these wonderful people in my life and that I have gotten to live another year in my dreams. 

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