Friday, March 30, 2012

A Fun Tour

Welcome to Jack Daniels!

Genavive, Jack and Michelle

Wood they make the charcoal out of

charcoal that the whiskey drips through in the tanks

After picking Shell and Genavive up at the airport, we met Kerri and Adam (remember Shell and I going to their wedding in Franklin, Tn. the first of October last year?)  and had lunch at the same restaurant where they had their wedding reception, in Franklin.  We wanted to walk around town and see all the cute shops but it started raining.  After our "good byes" we headed south to the "Jack Daniel's Distillary", in Lynchburg.  What a beautiful place with hills and pretty flowers and trees.  We had a really funny tour guide that kept us laughing the whole time.  No, we didn't get any samples but the guide did lift the lids on the vats and had us smell the fumes and I think you could get drunk by just doing that if you did it enough times.  It was really neat seeing all the steps it takes to make whiskey.  The last step...waiting six years!

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