Saturday, December 3, 2011

Covered Bridge

walking with a kitty between your legs isn't easy.

Clark the kitty

Eating $10 a pound lobster salad
On the way home from Birmingham, we took a little detour down a country road and stopped at this covered bridge. ( Chuck knew were it was from studying his maps) As soon as we got out of the explorer, a kitty came running, meowing at us. Shell named him Clark since the bridge was named Clarkson.   He followed us everywhere and was so sweet.  He kept walking between our legs as we walked down the bridge.  Chuck decided we should give him a spoonful of lobster salad that we had bought at Fresh Market in Birmingham. I know!!  What kitty gets $10 a pound lobster?....well, maybe ours, but a stranger kitty?  It made us all laugh and Clark purr. 

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