Wednesday, November 2, 2011

A Pretty Fall Day

old wooden bridge at Sipsey picnic grounds

Sandy preaching at Pine Torch Church

Chuck and Sandy on the dock

The second day that Sandy was here, we headed to the forest.  We went to the Sipsey Picnic Area and hiked the short hike into the canyons.  There was hardly any water in the Sipsey River and none of the waterfalls were flowing.  Other than seeing the beautiful colors of the trees, Fall is not the best time to hike in the forest.  Well, I shouldn't say that.  The weather was perfect.  Next we went to Brushy Lake and had our picnic lunch at a table right there by the lake.  Afterwards, we walked out onto the dock and then down to the dam.  There was no water going over the dam either.  We ohhhhed and ahhhhhed over the beautiful trees of Fall though.  At least Sandy got a small taste of the forest that we love.

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