Friday, September 30, 2011

Lunch in Fayetteville, TN

This guy was on the sidewalk by one of the stores.

O'Houlihans ( on the corner)
Funny shelves with old timey stuff on them.

1950 House Beautiful and 1970 Better Homes and Gardens

The side of O'Houlihans
We ended up eating lunch at this really fun place called O'Houlihans.  All the table and chairs were different and the food was different too.  It was kinda like a " deli".  I had "fruited chicken salad in a wrap and white chili.  It was very good, only the chili was a bit spicy.  I think Chuck had corn beef on dark rye.  There was one whole wall of shelves and they had old timey stuff on them.  By our table there was a stack of old magazines.  I started looking through them and found a 1950 House Beautiful.  It was so fun to see things that was in the magazine the year we were born.  I really wanted this magazine, so when it was time to pay our bill, I asked the man who owned the restaurant if any of the stuff was for sale.  He said "no, that it was all in there for people to look at". I told him how the magazine was from the year that I was born and he laughed and said they didn't even have magazines the year he was  Then, he told me to make him an offer.  I offered him $5 which was high but I really wanted the magazine and didn't want him to tell me " no".  He 'd didn't!  He said " OK".  Then, we went next door to an antique shop and was talking to the nice lady that owned it.  I told her about my magazine that I just bought and she said she had some in the back of the store.  ...and of course one was Better Homes and Gardens from 1970...the year we got married.  Her magazines were only $2, so I came home with two really neat magazines.   After looking in a couple more antique stores, we headed for home.  ...with still two more stops to make.    

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