Thursday, September 8, 2011

Civil War

how they spent the weekend, just like in the war

Battle at Decatur
Well, we went to " The Civil War" again.  I think last years was better but I still enjoyed going again.  After all, I got another " homemade root beer" and got to see all the neat " period costumes"  and I never get tired of that.  I still don't understand why the soldiers just lined up and shot each other.  Who ever had the most soldiers standing...won.   Living in the " South" now, I'm learning more and more about the Civil War.  It's a very interesting "history lesson" to me.  I'm really interested in all of the " Civil War Quilts" that people made and make now.  The clothes are fun too, but I sure wouldn't  have wanted to wear them in the hot, hot summer.  We were hot, in our summer clothes, sitting in the shade, drinking our cold root beer, watching the battle.  I felt sorry for the " dead soldiers, laying out on the field in the hot, hot sun, not being able to move until the battle was over.  More power to all of the people who are involved in this event every year.

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