Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Indian marker tree?

Indian marker tree
Billy and Linda White live across the street from the BNOE.  On one of the corners of their land, there is a tree that has a funny bend in it.  The Indians used to do this to trees to mark certain areas.  We think this is one of those trees because it's in the line of the road that leads to the Indian Mounds not far from our house.  The people from " Wild South" have been cataloging all these trees that people have found so we went over to Billy's to take pictures of it for them.  Since it's out in the pasture where Billy keeps his goats....we had the pleasure of having their company.  They are so dang cute!  Every time I see them, I want to bring one home with me.  Billy says I can have one of his babies if I want, but we don't have any place to keep it.  I KNOW!  You're saying...WHAT? have 22 acres and no place to keep a goat?  Well, Chuck would have to cut more trees down and fence in the area.  Maybe some day, but not right now.  We have too many other projects to get done around here first.  When I get the hankering for the fun of watching goats play, I will just go over and visit Billy's. Speaking of goats.....I have sad news for everyone who read on the blog about Bush Hog, the BNOE goat .  Bush Hog went to " goat heaven" this winter. ...right after the big snow we had.  I just found out that this happened about a month ago. ( Charlotte forgot to tell me)  RIP Bush Hog.   

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