Saturday, April 23, 2011

2nd Annual Wild Flower Hike

Charlotte enjoying Kinlock Falls

Auburn Falls

White Trillium

Five Finger Fern

Finding the Geocache
 On April 14th we took Charlotte on our 2nd Annual Wild Flower hike in the forest.  We lost count on all the different kinds of wild flowers we came across but I think the last count was in the high 30's.  We kept saying..." look at this one!" We came across not only the usual purple trilliums but a big patch of white trillium's and pink phlox were every where.  There were wild iris, azaleas and salvia, along with beautiful ferns.  We hiked to Auburn Falls and had our lunch there on this huge rock. There was even a Geocache there.  It was another perfect day in the forest.  Looking forward to our 3rd Annual Wild Flower Hike, next year.

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