Saturday, December 25, 2010

White Christmas

The deck off of the sun room.

funny how the snow collected all the way around each rope on the clothes line

The girls Christmas grass but they didn't like the snow.

It's almost 50 degrees inside the green house with the heater.

the walk to the garden area

Janice looks a little cold.

The garden

Samuel the " Amish snowman"

Bird girl holding the snow.

Christmas morning I woke up at 2:00 and looked out the snow. Then I woke up at 4:00 snow. ( you would have thought I was a little kid, watching for Santa) The next time I woke up it was 6:00 and it had been snowing for about an hour. As it got daylight, it snowed harder. ...until everything was covered. It's just beautiful! You can't explain how pretty it is and the pictures just don't capture it. We just kept watching it come down, out all of the windows. After I got our turkey and dressing in the oven, we got dressed and went out to play in it. First we took a piece of sod to the chickens for their Christmas treat. Funny thing, they didn't like going out in the snow. They ran out for a few minutes but then went back into their dry, warmer house. Next we walked down the drive way to the mail box and then up through the garden area. A couple of the trees had broken limbs from the weight of the snow. When we came up to the front yard, we decided to build a snowman. It was easy because there was a lot of snow and it stuck together really well. I even made a "snow angel". ...and it worked! It was a good thing it was time for me to come in and finish our Christmas dinner because I was pretty wet and cold. I may be an " old lady" but the " kid" in me comes out a lot since we moved up here. That can't be all bad.

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