Monday, October 11, 2010


When Cathie and Joyce were here, they said they wanted to go " geocaching". That's where you get on line and they give you coordinates and clues for where you can find " treasures" that are hidden in a container. There are over 300 in our area and one of them was in Moulton, just outside of town, in the woods next to a cemetery. We set out to find it and it didn't take long. As Joyce and I were walking around the cemetery, Chuck and Cathie had their GPS's and were comparing numbers, until Cathie found the box. It was a big ammo box hidden in the woods, with a piece of a rubber tire over it. Chuck opened the box and it was full of funny little treasures. If you take something out of the box, you are to put something in, to replace it. Cathie had a plastic bag of geocaching treasures but she forgot it at the house. So, we all went looking in the explorer and purses to see what we could put in the box. I found a little house charm. Joyce put a " prayer bracelet" in and Cathie put in an eye glass cleaner cloth. It doesn't matter what you put in, as long as you put something in to replace the treasure you took out. Cathie took a little plastic camel. Joyce a little gold pin and I took a peso. It was so much fun! Cathie got Chuck and I hooked on geocaching now. I can't wait to go again. Chuck got on line and found out that there are over 300 around here and most of them are in the forest. all the waterfalls and places we have been. I guess I will be starting my geocaching bag of goodies and taking it with us to the forest.

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