Saturday, June 12, 2010

Mother Nature

I know all about "mother nature" and how the circle of life deal is suppose to be BUT!!!!! I'm pissed at " mother nature" right now. It was one thing that the raccoon got into the garden and knocked down our corn...TWICE!!!! but it also got into Mom's watering can and killed the baby birds that were in the nest....THEN.....we are pretty sure that a raccoon that has been hanging out under the TT...took the back off of the Alabama birdhouse and got those babies too. THEN again.....I looked in the nest in the stag horns like I always do every day and today, the baby birds were dead. I guess something got their mother and they starved to death. It just doesn't seem like "mother nature" isn't being very nice right now. In this circle of life's time for who ever eats raccoons to step up to the plate! I've had it with them. I did see a coyote going to the garden the other day. Maybe he will do his job. Oh get this...speaking of nature....yesterday evening Charlotte and Ben came over to get some more mulch and wanted to go down and see the destruction by the raccoon in our garden. We get down there and Charlotte says.. " there's a bunny IN the GARDEN"!!! Sure enough, there was a baby bunny in the middle of the squash. The three of us chased it from one end to the other about ten times and Charlotte went to get Chuck. It was so chasing this little rabbit. It would get between the chicken wire and the other wire fence but couldn't get out. Finally it found a hole in the chicken wire and ran into the woods. Just in time...Chuck came around the corner with his Don't worry....I wouldn't let him shoot him. At least now we know where there is a hole in the chicken wire. That will be fixed soon, believe me.

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