Friday, June 25, 2010

Big haul

I went down to the garden early this morning to see if there were a couple more cucumbers that I could use for my pickles. Needless to say, I was surprised on what else was ready to pick.
It took two baskets to carry it all back to the TT. One thing was pretty funny.....our zucchini cross pollinated with our summer squash and we ended up with an orange zucchini. Chuck says " a squash is a squash" we're gonna see what it tastes like. I ended up putting four bags of green beans in the freezer and made four containers of freezer pickles. Oh...put a bag of okra in there too. I can't give away all the yellow HOT peppers that I picked. No one wants HOT peppers. ...even the Mexicans that did the cement work on our house. They just might go into the compost pile and next year I will pay more attention to what KIND of peppers I buy.

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