Sunday, February 21, 2010

A Taste of Spring

A couple of weeks ago, I went over to the BNOE yard and cut some branches from their forsythia so I could force them to bloom. It only took less than two weeks to bring Spring into the TT. Yesterday, my first crocus bloomed in the front flower bed to the TT. The last two days we have had a taste of Spring, weather wise. It's been in the 60's during the day. I opened the windows in the TT and we had lunch on the porch, today. The rest of the afternoon, I worked in the flowerbeds while Chuck worked on the water pipes. We did go down to the garden and planted a big rose bush that the BNOE gave us. While we were down there, we turned the compost pile and put a layer of pine needles and oak leaves in it. Our Spring weather is just a taste because it's suppose to rain tonight and tomorrow. Then it's going to turn cold again. I mean COLD! Our high is only going to be in the 30s for the rest of the week. We might even get more snow. That is OK though because its on the downhill side of winter and I will have to wait a whole year to see the pretty snow again.

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