Thursday, June 4, 2009

Time on the land...

Since Chuck is being laid off from his job on my birthday, we will have all the time in the world to go to the land. That's such a happy thought! Makes me smile, just typing it. We talked about going up for about a month and going ahead with putting the water, electric and septic tanks in. It all sounded good....well, maybe on paper. I would LOVE to spend a month or even the whole summer up there, don't get me wrong....BUT! Isn't there always a " but" to everything? There is the wonderful problem of selling the house here in as so many people call it " Paradise"...ha. ( number 59 hurricane season has started for me....sigh!) We can not leave this house to sell on it's own. Even if we hired someone to come mow the yard once a week ( but remember Chuck won't be working any more so that really won't be in our budget) there is always the fact that we couldn't find someone to come and hand water all the plants in the yard every evening, like I do. (they will not survive without it) Then, there is the fact that we have the two cats. We have a wonderful neighbor that comes down to the house twice a day to feed the kitties when we do go to the land, but I couldn't ask her to do that for a month. I wouldn't want to leave the kitties here alone like that for that long of a time any ways. We can't take them with us because it would traumatize one of them too much. I am not looking forward to even moving him when or "IF"( I have started saying,) it's time. On top of the upkeep of the yard and the cats, there is " the showing of the house". Someone needs to be here to " stage the house" and make sure that Annabelle ( our kitty that runs away if someone even cracks the door enough for her to get out) doesn't get out when the Real Estate people come to show the house. Soooooo, this is why it sounded good on paper when we talked about it, but in real life..." nope". We are back to thinking the best idea will be to wait to put the water, electric and septic tanks in, the first thing when we/ IF move up there. I have a feeling it's going to be another long, awful hot summer in so called " paradise". Chuck says....maybe a hurricane will come and blow the house away, we can collect our insurance, sell the lot and off to Alabama we go. Maybe that's the only way we'll ever get there.....LOL. had better happen this hurricane season because we were informed this week, that come November, they are canceling our Home owners insurance...for the second time now. ( because they don't want to have to pay out for hurricanes) Sure will be nice not to have to live with this problem " when/IF" we move. They can't wait to insure everything we own, up in Alabama. I'll keep ya'll posted on the " showing of the house in Paradise".

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful back yard you guys have!!! I would love to sit on the birdhouse bench in the early morning and drink a little coffee with chocolate eclair creamer in it with you... WHEN you guys get moved, I'll come over and drink coffee with you on the land... Hang in there... Love, The Browns'
