Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Vivi's Turning Two Pow Wow

Vivi's decorated Tee Pee with real flowers

In love with her horsie 


Coloring cowboy pictures...

Cowgirl quilt I made Vivi

Relaxing with Grandaddy.....

I can't believe Vivienne is two years old already.  Even though, it seems like she has always been in our family.  Michelle out did herself with throwing her Pow Wow for her second birthday party.  The day before her party, Vivi had her other Grandma come to celebrate with her.  She was really surprised when Grandaddy and I walked in the next day.  This is the only time she has had us all together except for the wedding last Fall.
   Before Vivi was born, Chuck and I found this fun rocking horse at our famous thrift store and I just had to get it.  It looked brand new.  I figured either a little boy or girl would have fun with it.  Well, Vivi certainly has.  We also found a great little Tee Pee at the same store.  We paid $5 for it.  Since then we have seen them in stores for $99.  With all of this,  Michelle came up with the Pow Wow for her party.  When Michelle first told me about the Pow Wow, my mind starting turning with ideas for her presents.  I got busy with making a " cowgirl" quilt.  I knew my friend Marilyn who owns a quilt store, had " cowgirl and horse" fabrics.  Marilyn quilts all my quilts for me and she even had a " horse pattern" for the quilting.  How perfect!!  When I was a little girl, I always wanted a " stick horse"......so of course Vivi was going to have one.  She was so cute riding her stick horse around the living room.  She does love " neighs" ( that's what she calls horses)  Her other Grandma bought her a really fun present.......a tire swing that looks like a horse.  I think they are so cute!!!!  Vivi might not remember her second birthday when she grows up but she will have pictures to show her how wonderful it was and how much she is loved.

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