Monday, June 27, 2016

A Real SUV Meets the Car Wash.....

Last November, one Wednesday we were turning out the side road from Walmart and there it was!!!!  A 2013 Honda Pilot up on the " look at me" rack in the Honda Dealership.  Our poor 2002 blue Ford Explorer which I had loved for all the years was starting to have things happen.  We knew we would have to replace it soon but I didn't care for the newer Explorers.  They are down right ugly!!  We had talked about checking out the Pilot when the time came.  Well, it came!  We drove into the dealership " just to look at the Pilot" and two hours later, we were cleaning out the Explorer and driving the Pilot home.  I am in LOVE with the "new to us" Pilot.  It has all the bells and whistles AND it still looks like a real SUV and I can't wash the top of it just like the Explorer.  I have since discovered the " car wash" in town.  I had never taken any of our cars through a car wash in my life.  I didn't even know how to do it but last week while we were in town, I decided to see what it was like.  I was tired of driving around in a nasty SUV and I knew I didn't have time to wash it at home.  Oh my Gosh!!!!  It was the best $6 I have spent in a really long time!!!  .......and there was FREE vacuuming and FREE window cleaner to use.  I am NEVER going to ride around in a dirty Pilot again....EVER!!!!!

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